Saturday, August 27, 2011

Please tell my mommy and daddy...

I am spreading the message that child abuse is not right
I am standing with others who are standing to fight
No more hitting, beating, yelling or screams
Children need love, protection, nurturing and dreams
I pray that my story touches more than one
I will keep on sharing it because I’m not done
Expressing myself and saying the truth
No more hiding in shame about my youth
I was hit and hurt and degraded and shamed
Those who do this to children deserve all the blame
Time is my friend because going forward I’ll do
Anything and everything to make it clear to you
Don’t hit your children and be careful of what you say
The damage once done you can’t take away
The pain, shame and changes to their soul
When you hit, yell and beat a child… What is your goal?
Think for a moment what are you trying to do?
Make a child be quiet because they are bothering you?
Children deserve your patience, love and your praise
I was a child once I know of what I say
Don’t take away a child’s soul it’s the only one they have
Don’t beat who they are out of them just to make yourself glad
I ask you to hear me and hear my pain
I am crying out to you to stop and stop again
Saying you are doing “the best you can” as you rape a child’s soul
You are no longer ignorant now because you have been told
Of the hurt and pain you can cause as a result of actions that you do
Stop! Please hear me now make changes in your life and you
Time is what you have so think of that today
Don’t hit or scream or beat think of another way
Your child deserves the best they are a gift you see
Treat them as if they are glass as they break so easily
Wish someone had explained this to my mother when I was just a child
Perhaps she would have listened and taken a lifetime vow
To not hurt me.... my soul..... and I
Not kill the little girl that lived alone inside
Please hear my story
I tell it regardless of my pride
I am standing with others who now stand tall by my side
We are a band of many who are telling our story true
Praying you will hear us and make a difference in you


  1. I was wondering where you were! I was about to email you.

    Love the poem!

  2. Amen!!! Thank you for speaking out. Blessings and safe hugs.

  3. @just be real and Tyla.... Thank u for reading and commenting...we are not alone
